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Memberships, Recognitions & Affiliations

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The Global Education Accrediting Commission is recognized by the Nevada Department of Education to accredit public, private, and charter schools in the state of Nevada. The status of the GEAC's recognition with the NV DOE can be verified by contacting the Nevada Department of Education.


The Global Education Accrediting Commission is recognized by the North Carolina Department of Administration Division of Non-Public Education (NC DOA DNPE). The link to the GEAC through the NC DOA can be found on the below-linked webpage.


The Global Education Accrediting Commission is a partner member of American International Schools in the Americas (AMISA), a network of more than 60 international schools in North, South and Central America. GEAC accreditation satisfies the accreditation component of AMISA's membership criteria for new school members. GEAC's status as an AMISA member can be verified through the below-linked webpage.


The Global Education Accrediting Commission is a partner member of the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE). AAIE is a global network of more than 300 international schools which works with the Office of Overseas Schools to create a network of service and support for American-sponsored overseas schools. GEAC's status as an AAIE partner member can be verified by contacting the AAIE.


The Global Education Accrediting Commission is a partner of the Educational Collaborative for International Schools (ECIS). ECIS is a global network of more than 500 international schools and more than 40,000 educators. The GEAC's status as an ECIS partner can be verified through the ECIS website linked below.

The Global Education Accrediting Commission is an observer of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN). APQN has 192 members from 45 countries and territories across the region and is focused on enhancing the quality of education in the Asia-Pacific region.


The Global Education Accrediting Commission is a member organization of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA), a global community composed of leaders in the higher education realm.

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