GEAC Standards
Find out more about the various standards which GEAC accredited institutions must be compliant with below.

Content Delivery Method Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The CDMA assesses the quality, relevance, and appropriateness of an institution's delivery methods for their educational content, ensuring that they meet the needs of students and prepare them for success in their chosen fields.

Curriculum Content Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The CCA assesses the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of an institution's curriculum in meeting the needs of students and preparing them for success in their chosen fields.

School or College Adaptability Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The SCAA measures an institution's readiness to respond to emerging trends, evolving student needs, and other factors that impact the delivery of education.

Educator Quality Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The EQA is a comprehensive assessment of the qualifications, experience, and effectiveness of an institution's faculty and staff.

General Pedagogy & Perspective Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The GPPA evaluates an institution's overall approach to teaching and learning, including the pedagogical techniques used by faculty, the institution's approach to curriculum development, and the overall perspective and values of the institution.

School & College Leadership & Administrative Ability Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The SCLAAA has several assessment criteria that the GEAC uses to evaluate the leadership and administrative ability of schools and colleges.

Implementation of Psychological Perspectives into Curriculum Design Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The IPPICDA evaluates whether an institution's curriculum design incorporates the latest psychological research, theories, and concepts to support student learning outcomes and prepare them for success in their chosen fields.

Policy & Procedure Methods & Implementation Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The PPMIA ensures that an institutions have effective policies and procedures in place that align with their educational objectives, and that they are implemented and enforced appropriately.

Excelling & Struggling Students Methods Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The ESSMA evaluates an institution's ability to provide a learning environment that promotes the academic, social, and emotional development of all students, regardless of their academic performance.

Rounded Education Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The REA assesses the quality, relevance, and appropriateness of an institution's educational programs, ensuring that they provide students with a diverse range of experiences that prepare them for success in their personal and professional lives.

Student, Administrator & Teacher Equality Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The SATEA aims to ensure that all members of the educational community are treated fairly and provided with equal opportunities to succeed.

Assessment & Grading Quality Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The AGQA assesses the quality and effectiveness of an institution's assessment and grading practices in promoting student learning outcomes and providing meaningful feedback to students.

Tution, Enrollment & Finance Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The TEFA assesses the institution's financial practices to ensure that they are sustainable and do not compromise the institution's ability to provide a quality education.

Student Support Mechanisms Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The SSMA assesses the quality, accessibility, and availability of an institution's student support mechanisms, ensuring that they meet the needs of students and support their academic and personal development.

Legal Compliance Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The LCA assesses the institution's adherence to legal requirements for operations, governance, and administration to ensure that they provide a safe and legally compliant environment for students and faculty.

Co-Curricular Activities Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The CCAA assesses the quality, variety, and effectiveness of an institution's co-curricular programs, ensuring that they meet the needs of students and support their academic and personal development.

Parental Support Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The PSA assesses the quality and extent of parental involvement in their child's education, ensuring that parents are equipped to support their child's academic success.

Technology Ability & Adaptability Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The TAAA aims to assess an institution's ability to leverage technology to enhance student learning outcomes, prepare students for the demands of a technology-driven workforce, and ensure that their graduates possess the technological skills necessary for success in their chosen fields.

Parental Involvement Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The PIA assesses the quality, relevance, and appropriateness of an institution's parental involvement programs, ensuring that they meet the needs of students and their families.

Resource Management Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The RMA assesses an institution's ability to manage its resources to support its educational mission, goals, and objectives.

Diploma & Graduation Procedure Assessment (ALL INSTITUTIONS)
The DGPA assesses the quality, relevance, and appropriateness of an institution's diploma and graduation procedures, ensuring that they meet the needs of students and prepare them for success in their chosen fields.

Facilities Management Assessment (BRICK & MORTAR INSTITUTIONS)
The FMA is designed to ensure that an institution's facilities are safe, healthy, accessible, and conducive to learning.

Facilities Construction Assessment (BRICK & MORTAR INSTITUTIONS)
The FCA assesses the quality, safety, and functionality of the constructed facilities, ensuring that they are suitable for the institution's educational programs and activities.

Campus Safety Assessment (BRICK & MORTAR INSTITUTIONS)
The CSA assesses the safety policies and procedures of an institution to identify areas for improvement and to ensure that the institution is prepared to respond effectively in the event of an emergency or crisis.

Nutrition, Health & Welfare Assessment (BRICK & MORTAR INSTITUTIONS)
The NHWA assesses the institution's programs, policies, and practices related to nutrition, physical health, mental health, and overall welfare.

Environmental Impact Assessment (BRICK & MORTAR INSTITUTIONS)
The EIA assesses the institution's environmental policies and practices, and their impact on the environment.

Food & Drink Access & Safety Assessment (BRICK & MORTAR INSTITUTIONS)
The FDASA assesses the institution's policies and practices related to food and drink safety and accessibility, and their impact on the health and wellbeing of students and staff.

Learning Management System Design Assessment (VIRTUAL INSTITUTIONS)
The LMSDA assesses the system's alignment with the institution's educational goals and objectives, as well as its functionality, accessibility, and user-friendliness.

Technical Support Assessment (VIRTUAL INSTITUTIONS)
The TSA assesses an institution's ability to support technology needs, such as hardware, software, network, and security, to provide a seamless and secure learning experience for students, faculty, and staff.

Supplementary Index of Materials & Online Programs (VIRTUAL INSTITUTIONS)
The SIMOPA assessment ensures that supplementary materials and programs meet the needs of students and provide a valuable contribution to their learning experience.